Many things can motivate a companion to take a hiatus from meeting clients, especially in current times; the pandemic, an exclusive arrangement, personal travels, an increase of responsibility in their professional career, events in their personal life, a mental health break, and many other reasons can be motivation to take some time off.
For me, it was a combination of the previously listed reasons, with an exclusive arrangement abroad, a new professional contract with more responsibility, the omicron variant, and some changes in my personal life I won't get into, although I will say you have no reason to worry, as I'm happier than ever now, I just wasn't in a position to meet with clients for a while.
Well, I'm absolutely thrilled to say that I'm back and better than ever, available to meet with a limited number of clients, and I must admit, I missed this lifestyle. While of course the financial benefits that come with this lifestyle are wonderful, I missed the social aspect of companionship more than anything; thrill that comes with meeting a new client, the connection built over sharing stories and discussing our lives and passions, the laughs and looks of anticipation of what's to come during dinner or drinks, the incredible feeling that comes with meeting you have perfect chemistry with, the strong, lasting connections, and, of course, the intimate pleasures. I'm so happy to be back to it, even if it only is for a limited time, as things in life tend to change quickly and in unexpected ways, and with a lot up in the air right now, I can never be certain of what's to come.
I would be remiss if I didn't say thank you to the amazing clients who have reached out since I have returned; the amazing inquiries I have been receiving since I started advertising again have brought butterflies to my stomach, and I'm excited beyond belief for all the incredible fly-me-to-yous, trips, dinner dates, and brief encounters I have planned with some truly amazing suitors. I can't wait to have you as a part of start this new chapter of my companionship journey.